Friday, May 24, 2013

If i was a movie i would remind people of the proud family. we is really goofy and act a lot like the characters in it. i would be pennie , my friend cayla would be veronica, kila would be dejanay . i would be then funny silly one out goin , cayla would be the shy quite goofy one, and kila would be the ghetto one the one that is always loud and the one always ready to fight. our other two woould be haliey and kalib. kalib is the only boy he crazy and always wild he is down for what ever. haliey is jus a cool white girl we love our white girl.


This school year was better than any .  I stayed in trouble last year and ninth grade year but i would change my working habbits. I always  seem to do everything at the last minute that need to change. if i was to go and do it all over again my grades would be better than they are now. That would be the onlything because everything else was cool for me i didnt get in any trouble this year and that is a good thing cause this is the first time in high school i went a whole year without getting into trouble or suspened i did good attitude wise.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I agree with  this article money cant buy happiness. money cant bring to you the things you really seeking and looking for to make you happy. somethimes money does nothing but bring you more problems. people think money is this type of need in the world reall its not we have money to get what we want but people always wants more causing them to get greedy and have the need for more money to get stuff they dont reallneed.

Friday, May 17, 2013


The point of my blog is to just share with the world the things i see and hear in this world. I see and catch  on to alot of things in this world. A lot of people doesn't see or pay attention to certian things. I happy to because its sort of a talent i have. Certain things just come to me i don't even have to look for them. I wanted this blog to be about this topic beacuse i feel people should really see what i see it would change your view on life. People should really start to pay attention to there surroundings.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I am Tatiyana i love to read and talk about the things in this world that gets my attention. The purpose for my blog is to let the world know about the thing i see and catch on to in this world. a lot of things goes on in this world that we done see sometimes or that is kept a secret. I will be talking about a lot of different things my blog isn't just for one specific topic. I set this blog up to share with the world all the things i see and hear about.